^Looking west along the short concurrency between US 12 and M-49 in the tiny town of Allen, March 2019.
Michigan Highway 49 is a short north-south highway in south-central Michigan, connecting to Ohio State Route 49. The southern end of Michigan Highway 49 is at the Ohio border, meeting Ohio State Route 49 at the very northwestern corner of Ohio. From that southern endpoint, Michigan Highway 49 heads north through Camden and Reading. Beyond that, it meets US Route 12, and nudges a little farther north to end in Litchfield. In Litchfield, Michigan Highway 99 comes in from the southeast and replaces Michigan Highway 49 as the route that continues north. Michigan Highway 49 is left to end, here in Litchfield.
My photo of Michigan Highway 49 shows the northbound reassurance marker for travelers turning off of US Route 12, south of Litchfield. I looked north taking this photo, looking away from US Route 12. This photo was taken in March 2019, as I was driving around central and southern Michigan.