US Route 212 runs from the Minneapolis area in Minnesota, westward to the northeastern gate into Yellowstone National Park. It's an important route to rural areas across central Minnesota, South Dakota, and southeastern Wyoming. The eastern end of US Route 212 is at a freeway interchange with US Route 169 in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. It heads west from there across mainly rural areas in central Minnesota. In South Dakota, US Route 212 roughly splits the northern third of South Dakota from the southern two-thirds. Continuing westward, it barely clips the northeastern corner of Wyoming before entering southeastern Montana. It moves through rural areas before joining Interstate 90 into Billings. The last stretch of US Route 212 leaves Billings for areas to the southwest, like Red Lodge and Cooke City. It winds back and forth across the Wyoming border before committing to a dive into Wyoming to its western endpoint, at Yellowstone Park's northeast entrance.
My photo for US Route 212 is a northbound junction marker on Wyoming Highway 296, just southeast of Cooke City, Montana. Southwest of Billings, Montana, US Route 212 passes through Red Lodge, takes its first dip into Wyoming, comes back into Montana to pass through Cooke City, and turns southwesterly again into Wyoming. Wyoming Highway 296 meets US Route 212 at a point along its first (eastern) dip into Wyoming. Though US Route 212 barely spends any time in Wyoming, my US Route 212 photo happens to come from that state. I took this picture looking to see northern portions of Yellowstone National Park, during one of the sightseeing days of my August 2018 trip, wherein I drove west to Astoria, Oregon via Glacier National Park and drove home via Yellowstone National Park. Back to the nationwide main page. Back to the main page.