US Route 290 runs entirely in Texas, serving as an alternate to Interstate 10 and US Route 90 that takes a more northerly path through Austin. The easternmost portion is a freeway stemming northwest out of Houston; the eastern end is at Interstate 610 just north of Interstate 10 on the west side of the city. The western end merges onto Interstate 10 near Junction, Texas, northwest of San Antonio. US Route 290 is a fast-moving four-lane expressway from Austin to Houston, and it's the preferred route by many between those two locales.
My photo for US Route 290 occurs in Austin, Texas, near the MLK Boulevard exit from Interstate 35. In the vicinity of this photo, US Route 290 is concurrent with Interstate 35. At the tail end of my first trip to the Gulf Coast, I took a massive detour west to the San Antonio area, and then drove home. Along that drive home in October 2014, I exited from Interstate 35 to take this photo. Back to the nationwide main page. Back to the home page.