^Looking west from Ohio Route 118 in Rockford, Ohio, March 2021.
US Route 33 is a major player in Ohio, running from northwest to southeast across the middle of the state. US Route 33 enters Ohio having recently served the cities of Fort Wayne and Decatur in Indiana. The US highway crosses the Indiana-Ohio state line near Willshire, Ohio. At first, US Route 33's trip through Ohio proceeds southeast as a two-lane highway, through Rockford. At Saint Marys, however, US Route 33 becomes an eastward freeway. The freeway serves Wapakoneta, cutting through the south side of town, and then US Route 33 returns to two-lane status. At New Hampshire, US Route 33 bends southeasterly again to pass by Indian Lake. At Huntsville, US Route 33 becomes an expressway, serving Bellefontaine and Marysville. As the expressway first crosses Interstate 270, it deposits US Route 33 onto a surface road once again, in Dublin. US Route 33 runs right through downtown Columbus as a series of city streets. On the east side of Columbus, US Route 33 regains freeway status. The freeway takes US Route 33 from the Columbus area, through Lancaster and Logan, all the way to Athens. On the south side of Athens, US Route 33 becomes a southbound surface highway. As US Route 33 approaches Pomeroy in Meigs County, it ricochets off of Ohio Route 124 and joins Ohio Route 7 for a bit. It enters the southeastern lobe of Meigs County as a surface route, even staying southeast of Ohio Route 7, until it crosses the Ohio River into Ravenswood, West Virginia.