Ohio State Route 689 is a short north-south highway straddling the border between Meigs and Vinton Counties. This is in southeastern Ohio. It begins at Ohio Route 32, about midway between Jackson and Athens. From there, Ohio Route 689 proceeds southerly overall, with a slight southwesterly jog over the county line midway along the route. The southern end of Ohio Route 689 is reached after seven miles, at Ohio Route 160. This southern end occurs at the tiny town of Wilkesville, just north of Ohio Route 124.
My photo for Ohio Route 689 comes from the northern terminus at Ohio Route 32. This photo looks at the first southbound trailblazer seen by those who just turned off of Ohio Route 32. This northern terminus is about five miles southwest of Albany, Ohio. This photo was taken during the grand tour of southeastern Ohio in March, 2021.