Ohio State Route 34 is a fairly short east-west highway in far northwestern Ohio. It begins at Indiana State Route 427 reaches the border between Indiana and Ohio. Ohio Route 34 is born at the state line, and its first recourse is to travel two miles into Edon, where it crosses Ohio Route 49. After crossing Ohio Route 49, Ohio Route 34 continues easterly for two miles before diving a few miles south to Blakeslee. At Blakeslee, Ohio Route 34 turns easterly and stays an easterly or east-southeasterly route for the rest of its length. This east-southeasterly course serves downtown Bryan, Ohio, and continues into the northwestern corner of Henry County. Ohio Route 34 converges with US Route 6 in that corner of Henry County, and it's at this point where the state highway ends.
My photo of Ohio State Route 34 signage comes from the heart of Bryan, Ohio, where it crosses US Route 127. Note that US Route 127 is concurrent with Ohio Route 15 at this point; also note that Ohio Route 2 comes from the south and joins Ohio Route 34 easterly. That's why the eastbound trailblazer in the photo for Ohio Route 34 is paired with an eastbound trailblazer for Ohio Route 2. Travelers leaving this central 4-way intersection in Bryan will see this pair of trailblazers as soon as they turn toward the east. This photo was taken in September 2017, during an indirect drive home from Columbus.